Navigating Change With Grace and A Few Swear Words

It has been a bit! I’ve been navigating a new job as a trauma informed practices consultant in schools (mostly) and I gave myself some grace to let some things go so I could adjust. The newsletter was one of the things I let go but I want to rekindle our connection and get back on track. Who know, I may even send a newsletter twice a month! Ha!

Change is no joke and like I mentioned above, we’ve been going through it in the last few months. I left a school building I’ve been working at for 4 years, my oldest graduated high school, I got an amazing job offer to work with phenomenal women and coach schools in WA State in Trauma Informed Practices, the kids started school - we have an 8th grader, 9th grader and senior this year! You get the idea. My comfort zone is being S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D. I imagine you’ve experienced change in the past few months as well and it can take it’s toll if you aren’t equipped mentally to handle it. Here’s a breakdown of what I’ve been practicing (it’s a practice folks!) so I didn’t lose my f#%king mind during the transition:

  1. Using my Feel Good Plan/Bliss List/Whatever You Want To Call It. Please tell me you’ve made one and you’re practicing it too! Maybe you haven’t because you think it’s silly or that you don’t need a “list” but I promise if you suspend disbelief, you will be pleasantly surprised by how helpful it is.

  2. Checking my narratives - This is part of my FGP but I’m calling it out specifically because I can attest to the fact that at least 90% of my emotional discomfort stems from the old/unhelpful narratives that pop up. I’ve done a lot of work around rewiring my brain but when I’m under stress, the old stuff can show up. I view these experiences as invitations to heal and rewire some more and I don’t get down about it.

  3. Asking for HELP. Folks, this is a hard one for me because I feel pretty capable and productive and all the things most of the time. And if I don’t, I often muscle my way through it. I don’t recommend it. But no longer! I reached out and found a therapist for myself (therapists need therapists!) and I’m checking in with my partner and getting even more support there.

  4. Giving myself an extra dose, or two or three, of self-compassion. I’ve dropped balls, I’ve cried, I’ve felt uncomfortable more than usual and I know I need extra love in those times, not shame and guilt.

    So here is your gentle reminder to be kind to yourself during phases of life that are FULL. Also, a reminder that you can choose to pay attention to the wonderful things happening at the same time as the tough stuff. You can choose to be miserable when your comfort zone is being stretched or you can choose to make the best of it.