The Paradox of Life

This time of year the paradox of life is very apparent - there are beautiful things to celebrate and there are many who are struggling in numerous ways, all at the same time. Holding these two things together can be very uncomfortable, yet that is exactly what we need to do in order to encourage our well-being AND have energy to put towards the individuals and organizations that need our love and support.

So if the holiday season brings up mixed and/or difficult feelings for you, I see you! Please practice self-compassion and listen to your inner voice when it tells you how to move through this time of year. Avoid the trap of “shoulding” and “coulding” and instead pay attention to what you need and want to feel the best you possibly can. Love yourself through it! I promise you can experience happiness amidst the harder parts of life.

If this season is one of joy for you, please share it with those who need you! Consider at least one person you can reach out to and ask them what they need/want right now. It can be a stranger on the street, a neighbor, an organization you’re a fan of, whatever!

I’m incredibly grateful for all of you. Thank you for sharing this space with me and I’m excited to see what the new year brings for all of us!